
Showing posts from October, 2009

A new vision! and feeling healthier.

I found a new piece of multi purpose wiping cloth which is 100% micro fibre for cleaning my glasses. Then I take care to avoid oil or dirt by washing my hands first. Walla.. Now my glasses is really clean and I’m feeling like singing”I can see clearly now..the rainy days…. I can see all obstacles in my way…nananana It’ll be a bright, a bright, sun shiny day” What song is that I love that song. :) Yesterday I did walk quite some distance u down the stairs from my 3rd floor office. And I miss my train which make me stand for quite  bit. I feel a bit healthier by walking around like that. Previous night I got to play ping pong with Azmi, so that’s a good benefit too. A good S life make you feel better to. Anyway there’s a little farewell party later on. I need to clean up my confirmation report and go there. Later.

Makan sikit2 lebih nikmat.

Teringat kata abg jenal aritu. Aku ajak dia makan. “Makan Bang Jenal makan”. Dia kata “aku dah tua2 makan sikit je boleh”. So dia makan slow n steady. Pastu dia kata kalau makan sikit2 lagi best kita dapat lebih nikmatnya. Aku pun teringat yang kalau nak kuruskan badan memang makan sikit2 supaya tak terus telan banyak sekaligus. Dan sekarang aku tengah makan sebiji epal sederhana, secara berdikit2. And it’s good. :) Technorati Tags: malay , adab , kurus , melayu

PhD stuff!

Ok, back to work. I got this red marks all over my documents for my PHD that need repair. I need to improve my typing skills. Keep typing ‘the’ with ‘teh’. Keep on improving. Kaizen or CANI ala Tony Robbins. :) The people in my communities here want to have a celebration of Hajj. We’re growing as a communities here. There’re a lot of Malaysians come here to do their PhD. Looks like the policy of no UK, make Aussie the next place to do PhDs. It’s more difficult to enter US univ for PhD with their GRE exam etc. Well it’s their loss. The money invested is big and Malaysians students are usually can be a very good researcher with a lot of publications created. So no papers for them. The Aussies is really capitalizing on this I see. There’re so  many universities here which cater to post grads and under grads. They win both way. Perhaps Malaysia can follow this strategy. Problem is the reverting of teaching from English to BM might cause us big time later.

My fondness grew on my iphone

I read the “finger tips: that came with the Iphone package and I found a few shortcuts on handling the Iphone. Now I’m having more fun when I tried using it. I can listen to music while looking at maps. I can zoom in with double click and zoom out with with single two fingers click. I can zoom in to see baby’s face when she’s little with just double click and zoom out with the same. So far the best is using the remote on my headphone to control the songs on my Ipod apps on the Iphone. This is really cool. I can control playback, next,prev, volume.  I wonder if I have just saving too much previously and miss the opportunity to play with technology and be mesmerized and enjoy life better with it. I had a mp3 player before and a pda before. I bought the mp3 player, creative zen2 the big 30GB capacity on eBay. It’s good until one time it can’t be charged anymore. I had all my songs there, my webinar recordings on IM stuff. really love and enjoy it. I think I’ll embrace technolo...

Wow, really good experience “being supervised” on my writing.

Hmm.. I have 2 supervisors. From Uni Melbourne & Monash Uni. I’ve got my report today and got grilled today. I think my English need to be improved further. The takeaway is to be really concise. Really2 clear on what you want to say. But I like their commitment. They are really2 committed and serious in supervising my me in my PhD journey. I salute them. Thanks.

Wow ITunes U is looking good.

Can’t wait to download it and listen during my travel to and back from uni. Should be a lot of fun. I found some podcasts about design. Will have a go on it soon. later.

Deadline effects on whatever we do.

I am amused by this little fact. when my supervisors want to meet tomorrow for example( let’s say Friday), I got stress out, and try to finish things quickly. Let say the deadline was extended to Monday, I’ll start to slow things down, no pressure no real commitment. I think I’ve wasted a week of my time not completing stuff. I think I should make a fake deadline in other to get things done. The psychology of it, the intensity of the pressure can be so much different. But I’ll know the real deadline, because I’m, the one setting it up. Hmm let m try anyway. Let say instead of Monday I’ll put it the deadline eon Saturday midday. See what’s up with this. I’ll update this. I’m using live writer now instead of scribe fire. Looking better and got a nice spell checker too. will update about this new discovery as well.

Testing 1 2 3

From windows live writer.

Honey, I blown up teh kids!

Hehehe...I remember that movie, "Honey, I shrunk the kids". It was way back when I was in my teens I think. In this time, when I got 4 kids of my own, I actually think I've blown up their brain. This is because I gave them access to internet. You know with youtube, flash games, educational websites, and youtube( 80% on youtube). I got an 80 GB of internet access, 40GB peak and 40GB not-peak time. Anyway, I'm not sure about that. They seems to cope pretty well. But I think they are getting real smart real soon. Ahh...hopefully everything went well. :)

Really nice user experience of an iphone.

I got my iphone some time ago. Yes the new 3GS iphone. And it's 32GB to boot. What a beauty and the functions are really good. I'm really satisfied and happy. I had a pda before but it was a black and white palm. It was good. But this is wayyyyy better. I'm loving it. [surely not black and white]

Really good system by the US. Malaysia should have this too.

I am talking about compentencies & skills required in order to be a world class workers. I know Malaysia d have vision 2020 but it's kinda wishy washy and not translared that well into the education system. As I do my PhD research I found things like. Workplace Essential Skills: Resources Related to the SCANS Competencies and Foundation Skills (2000) which can be found here. Also the SCANS which means Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills which can be found here. I mean what the hoop la about 2million minutes where they said Americans high school students will be left behind- way too behind compare to Indians & Chinese high school students at when the US actually have this SCANS program? Is the American as bad as the Malaysian government in erm of implementing? Malaysia is good in planning but  mediocre in implementing. Hmmmm...something to ponder. I would like to research more, but I need to fix my confrmation report. BTW my old car ...

Multiple Intelligences.

From Bannatyne Reading Program, I got this Here is Howard Gardner's categorization of Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic Intelligence which involves the ability to learn languages in spoken and written forms for the main purpose of accomplishing certain types of goals. (Writers, lawyers, etc.) Logical-mathematical Intelligence which detects patterns, reasons deductively and thinks logically. (Scientists, mathematicians, etc.) Musical Intelligence which composes, performs and recognizes musical patterns, such as pitches, tones and rhythms. (Musicians, etc.) Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence which uses mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements. (Sports persons, dancers, gymnasts, etc.) Spatial Intelligence which recognizes and uses patterns of wide and confined areas. (Astronomers, materials scientists, designers, etc.) Interpersonal Intelligence which understands the intentions, motivations and ideas of other people. (Educator...

And now it's sunny again..

Melbourne weather can be really funny. It's sunny after the stone rain ( hujan batu). And I'm just inventing Things to do to avoid the important? darn it. (note to self) get back to the confirmation report.

Hujan air batu!

Aku takde gambarnya, tapi baru sekejap tadi ada hujan air baru kat area rumah aku. Wow.. Wife aku pergi uni LA trobe, bincang pasal PBL with some of her old colleagues at UTHM. I'll be working on my confirmation report from home today. I read about purposive sapling which is what I tend to do to my subjects of experiment. Purposive sampling is well defined here What is a purposive sample? A   purposive sample is a sample selected in a deliberative and non-random fashion to achieve a certain goal. In a focus group, for example, you may want to consciously seek out respondents at both ends of a spectrum (as well as some in the middle) to insure that all viewpoints are adequately represented. You might also preferentially recruit subjects who have the best knowledge and experience in an area. In addition to focus group studies, purposive samples are often used in pilot studies. A purposive sample share the same weaknesses as a convenience sample and you will have difficulty making st...

One in five fall victim to ID theft in Australia.

Tengok lah artikel ni,24897,26150536-5013044,00.html Aku pun kena kat Malaysia. Geram nyaa.. Aku dah report polis, tapi aritu depa mintak duit jugak. Geram geram.... Habis habis.....

Aussie dari kacamata ku..

Baru2 ni aku nak reply kat mailing list satu kawanan melayu di tempat aku tinggal, tapi aku malas nak berpolemik dan cerita banyak jadi aku nak luahkan kat blog aku cukup lah. Brader sorang ni macam suka bebeno duduk kat aussie ni, mungkin pengalaman dia indah manisssss belaka. Mat salleh yang dia jumpa agaknya takde yang biadap, yang berkasar, dan just being an ass kat dia. So dia happy dan suka la sangat. Anyway kalau dia happy bagus la... kita semua nak happy betul tak. Tapi aku tak berapa la happy sangat so aku nak balas tapi aku letak aje la dalam draf email aku. malas nak panjang cerita. Kat bawah ni la draf aku.. ******************** Masing2 ada pengalaman masing2. Bila sharing cerita dengan kawan2 melalui lisan atau email ini maka dapat la kita dengar cerita tersebut tetapi selalunya melalui pengalaman masing2 jua. Saya perhatikan drp email2 sebelum ini anda sungguh gembira di sini, ada cadangan nak jadi PR ke? Bagus lah kalau gembira, semoga terus gembira. Saya pula mengalami ...