Really good system by the US. Malaysia should have this too.
I am talking about compentencies & skills required in order to be a world class workers.
I know Malaysia d have vision 2020 but it's kinda wishy washy and not translared that well into the education system. As I do my PhD research I found things like.
Workplace Essential Skills: Resources Related to the SCANS Competencies and Foundation Skills (2000) which can be found here.
Also the SCANS which means Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills which can be found here.
I mean what the hoop la about 2million minutes where they said Americans high school students will be left behind- way too behind compare to Indians & Chinese high school students at when the US actually have this SCANS program?
Is the American as bad as the Malaysian government in erm of implementing? Malaysia is good in planning but mediocre in implementing. Hmmmm...something to ponder.
I would like to research more, but I need to fix my confrmation report.
BTW my old car here in Aust can't be started. what SCANS level of tradie should I ask to fix it. :) There goes the money I don't have- to fix the car. dammit.
ps: Oh yeahh I remember where I work in ST. A long serving technician can be an engineer without a degree. What a pack of bull. That was really bad.

I know Malaysia d have vision 2020 but it's kinda wishy washy and not translared that well into the education system. As I do my PhD research I found things like.
Workplace Essential Skills: Resources Related to the SCANS Competencies and Foundation Skills (2000) which can be found here.
Also the SCANS which means Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills which can be found here.
I mean what the hoop la about 2million minutes where they said Americans high school students will be left behind- way too behind compare to Indians & Chinese high school students at when the US actually have this SCANS program?
Is the American as bad as the Malaysian government in erm of implementing? Malaysia is good in planning but mediocre in implementing. Hmmmm...something to ponder.
I would like to research more, but I need to fix my confrmation report.
BTW my old car here in Aust can't be started. what SCANS level of tradie should I ask to fix it. :) There goes the money I don't have- to fix the car. dammit.
ps: Oh yeahh I remember where I work in ST. A long serving technician can be an engineer without a degree. What a pack of bull. That was really bad.