Hujan air batu!

Aku takde gambarnya, tapi baru sekejap tadi ada hujan air baru kat area rumah aku.

Wow.. Wife aku pergi uni LA trobe, bincang pasal PBL with some of her old colleagues at UTHM. I'll be working on my confirmation report from home today. I read about purposive sapling which is what I tend to do to my subjects of experiment.

Purposive sampling is well defined here

What is a purposive sample?

A purposive sample is a sample selected in a deliberative and non-random fashion to achieve a certain goal. In a focus group, for example, you may want to consciously seek out respondents at both ends of a spectrum (as well as some in the middle) to insure that all viewpoints are adequately represented. You might also preferentially recruit subjects who have the best knowledge and experience in an area.

In addition to focus group studies, purposive samples are often used in pilot studies. A purposive sample share the same weaknesses as a convenience sample and you will have difficulty making strong quantitative inferences from such a sample.

examples at

this is me putting things on the cloud also. the cloud of web 2.0 online presence. so that I can refer to it later. adios.


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