My fondness grew on my iphone

I read the “finger tips: that came with the Iphone package and I found a few shortcuts on handling the Iphone.

Now I’m having more fun when I tried using it. I can listen to music while looking at maps. I can zoom in with double click and zoom out with with single two fingers click. I can zoom in to see baby’s face when she’s little with just double click and zoom out with the same.

So far the best is using the remote on my headphone to control the songs on my Ipod apps on the Iphone. This is really cool. I can control playback, next,prev, volume.  I wonder if I have just saving too much previously and miss the opportunity to play with technology and be mesmerized and enjoy life better with it.

I had a mp3 player before and a pda before. I bought the mp3 player, creative zen2 the big 30GB capacity on eBay. It’s good until one time it can’t be charged anymore.

I had all my songs there, my webinar recordings on IM stuff. really love and enjoy it. I think I’ll embrace technology as they come. But being a tad financially conservative( thanks to Kiyosaki) I’m going to enjoy technology not at the beginning of a S curve but maybe towards the end.

When I was younger with a little less pay, I’ll have to wait till the S curve is gone even when a new S curve emerge. Now I’m older with a bit more money to spare I could start to use technology as it come to the middle of the S curve. Maybe soon I’ll get technology as soon as it starts the cycle. :)

BTW S curve is a term in engineering product development where a lifetime of a product is represented by a curve looking like the letter ‘S’ hence the name S curve.


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