Deadline effects on whatever we do.

I am amused by this little fact. when my supervisors want to meet tomorrow for example( let’s say Friday), I got stress out, and try to finish things quickly. Let say the deadline was extended to Monday, I’ll start to slow things down, no pressure no real commitment.

I think I’ve wasted a week of my time not completing stuff. I think I should make a fake deadline in other to get things done. The psychology of it, the intensity of the pressure can be so much different.

But I’ll know the real deadline, because I’m, the one setting it up. Hmm let m try anyway. Let say instead of Monday I’ll put it the deadline eon Saturday midday. See what’s up with this. I’ll update this.

I’m using live writer now instead of scribe fire. Looking better and got a nice spell checker too. will update about this new discovery as well.


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