
Showing posts from July, 2009

PPSMI- Apa lah susah sgt orang Malaysia nak master bahasa inggeris ni?

Tun got some points here. Dr Mahathir pertahan PPSMI tapi Tun tulis lama juga dah ( Diterbitkan kembali daripada blog bekas perdana menteri itu, Che Det (13 Mac 2009)) check this one. 9. Umpamanya perkataan Oxygen (Oksigen) - satu jenis gas. Derivative (cabang) daripada perkataan ini adalah seperti berikut; • Oxygenation • Oxidation • Oxide • Oxidants • Deoxydation • Oxidise • Oxidification • Dioxide • Monoxide • Peroxide dan point ini 25. Penguasaan ilmu amat penting bagi masa depan seseorang. Janganlah kita perjudikan masa depan anak orang kerana kononnya kita seorang nasionalis yang begitu sayang kepada bahasa kita. Sayang bahasa tidak boleh melebihi sayang bangsa. Mereka yang sayang bangsa mereka ingin lihat bangsa mereka maju, berilmu dan dihormati dunia. Hanya kerana boleh bertuturkata dalam bahasa sendiri tidak akan menjadikan bangsa kita dihormati dan disegani orang. dari sudut ekonomi... Teringat perbincangan dgn Nashrul ttg betapa ramainya org datang dan belajar di sini. Ant...

Problem with my mobiel phone.

Nokia Navigator 6210. When I listen to music the sound is loud enough. However when I listen to recorded discussion or ebook narration it's not too loud. The background noise such as on a train is much louder and I can't hear clearly what was being said. Do I need a better headphone instead of teh regular supplied headphoen by Nokia? Should I get an Iphone? The new S Iphone? Or a specific mp3 player maybe like creative Zen. I had a 30GB one before. Really cool really nice and I can fast listen to 1.5X same liek Windows media player. Looking good.

Kita boleh buat kalau kita "mau dan tau" caranya.

Kami tengah debatkan/diskuskan tentang perlunya memahami psyche org cina. Ia sepatutnya start dengan bahasa dan tengok budaya mereka dsb. Aku perati setengah2 org kita cepat sgt mengalah bila kena belajar sesuatu yang baru. Kemudian refer pula pada examples2 yang teruk contohnya the least 25% on teh normal distribution. Aku yakin kita dengan mudah boleh buat kalau kita "mau & tau" caranya. Aku masa di Canada  dulu baca buku Tony Robbins, pastu balik Malaysia aku continue baca atau dengar pakar motivasi lain spt Fadilah KAmsah. Our brain has big potentials so don't waste it. Tony Robbins guna kaedah apa tah NLP kut utk emulate a sharp shooter so that the rest of teh team can also shoot as sharp as that ace. Kalau kita nak dan kita berusaha mempelajarinya senang je boleh dapat buat apa yang kita nak buat. Aku denagn agak mudah memahami cara bermain golf. I can play it after a very short while. The secret was I bought a few DVDs at Careefour at Melaka and watch it again ...

PhD research spatial visualation..

I search for this term in Proquest. You get a lot of PhD/ Ed.D/ Msc in Proquest. You can also get othe rjournals but maybe not as much as Science Direct database. In my field of Spatial Visualisation and technical engineering drawing there are quite a lot of papers spans in all fields of research. I have tried the term Spatial Visualisation but not drafting, or engineering graphics.  The theme are quite similar and many reserach found no statistical significance between hypothesis null and hyphothesis alternative.  It usually start with a spatial visualisation test to see if the subjects are high or low and then come the treatment. I hope the  outcome of my reserach will reject teh null hyphothesis and that'll be a worthwhile research project. My confirmation report is coming real soon so I'm preparing for it. PhD as some people view it. :)

Minum susu serbuk tak elok la...

Aku minum susu serbuk. Dia yang skim milk so bagus la 99.99% less fat or something like that. However perut menggelodak pulak tu. Anak bini x minum benda ni ok pulak. Dah la kaler nya pink ahahaha. Berebut dgn anak ku si baby sebab dia kata pink utk pempuan dan pink dia punya. Dia minat betul segala benda pink. Basikal dia, baju dia, bed dia, segala mainan dia etc semua kalau boleh kaler pink. sama la dgn adik. well adik ialah kakak dia walaupun di gelar adik Half full or half empty?

Expensive rental house in Melbourne.

It's terrible here in Melbourne. I'm paying $300/week and it adds up to $1300/mth paid monthly. If I get a MARA loans I'll pay all of it for the house rent. What about food, electricity, water, transport? I'm looking for a cheaper house to rent. I've a good term with current house and teh term has been extended for anotehr year pending my agreement & confirmation. Need to think about this. If it's $250/week I'll save $50/week which can buy me and my family a lot of things at T&T on the weekends. Looking for things like this now.