Kita boleh buat kalau kita "mau dan tau" caranya.
Kami tengah debatkan/diskuskan tentang perlunya memahami psyche org cina. Ia sepatutnya start dengan bahasa dan tengok budaya mereka dsb. Aku perati setengah2 org kita cepat sgt mengalah bila kena belajar sesuatu yang baru. Kemudian refer pula pada examples2 yang teruk contohnya the least 25% on teh normal distribution.
Aku yakin kita dengan mudah boleh buat kalau kita "mau & tau" caranya. Aku masa di Canada dulu baca buku Tony Robbins, pastu balik Malaysia aku continue baca atau dengar pakar motivasi lain spt Fadilah KAmsah. Our brain has big potentials so don't waste it.
Tony Robbins guna kaedah apa tah NLP kut utk emulate a sharp shooter so that the rest of teh team can also shoot as sharp as that ace. Kalau kita nak dan kita berusaha mempelajarinya senang je boleh dapat buat apa yang kita nak buat.
Aku denagn agak mudah memahami cara bermain golf. I can play it after a very short while. The secret was I bought a few DVDs at Careefour at Melaka and watch it again n again and after some practice session at the driving range I improve a lot. But I stop playing now. Mayeb I'll do it later with my family. Got to play it and teach it to my kids too.
Ping pong. I love it so much. Then I learn at, I improve a lot too. I've tried to teach my wife so that we can play and exercise and talk together. It works on me and slowly works on her too. She has a beleif that she's not good with any raquet sports which I think just a belief and need to be fix.
I've read an ebook from this young genius that said that he used metaphors and constructs and virtual highway in his mind in other to connect concepts toi learn anything new. I'll share that later with my groups. I think my groups just sell themselves short. Teh possibility is endless. They can be all they can be.
Chef wan learn what? law? and yet he became a famous chef. So if you want it, it's quite simple. learn how to do it properly from expert and do it persistently. Yes some of my projects lack just that, persistence. And let me tell you that I've experienced defeat. losses, failures to on some of my projects, but that's a story for anotehr day. So keep it simple sweet. Take care.
Go get em tiger. :)
Aku yakin kita dengan mudah boleh buat kalau kita "mau & tau" caranya. Aku masa di Canada dulu baca buku Tony Robbins, pastu balik Malaysia aku continue baca atau dengar pakar motivasi lain spt Fadilah KAmsah. Our brain has big potentials so don't waste it.
Tony Robbins guna kaedah apa tah NLP kut utk emulate a sharp shooter so that the rest of teh team can also shoot as sharp as that ace. Kalau kita nak dan kita berusaha mempelajarinya senang je boleh dapat buat apa yang kita nak buat.
Aku denagn agak mudah memahami cara bermain golf. I can play it after a very short while. The secret was I bought a few DVDs at Careefour at Melaka and watch it again n again and after some practice session at the driving range I improve a lot. But I stop playing now. Mayeb I'll do it later with my family. Got to play it and teach it to my kids too.
Ping pong. I love it so much. Then I learn at, I improve a lot too. I've tried to teach my wife so that we can play and exercise and talk together. It works on me and slowly works on her too. She has a beleif that she's not good with any raquet sports which I think just a belief and need to be fix.
I've read an ebook from this young genius that said that he used metaphors and constructs and virtual highway in his mind in other to connect concepts toi learn anything new. I'll share that later with my groups. I think my groups just sell themselves short. Teh possibility is endless. They can be all they can be.
Chef wan learn what? law? and yet he became a famous chef. So if you want it, it's quite simple. learn how to do it properly from expert and do it persistently. Yes some of my projects lack just that, persistence. And let me tell you that I've experienced defeat. losses, failures to on some of my projects, but that's a story for anotehr day. So keep it simple sweet. Take care.
Go get em tiger. :)