PhD research spatial visualation..
I search for this term in Proquest. You get a lot of PhD/ Ed.D/ Msc in Proquest. You can also get othe rjournals but maybe not as much as Science Direct database.
In my field of Spatial Visualisation and technical engineering drawing there are quite a lot of papers spans in all fields of research. I have tried the term Spatial Visualisation but not drafting, or engineering graphics. The theme are quite similar and many reserach found no statistical significance between hypothesis null and hyphothesis alternative. It usually start with a spatial visualisation test to see if the subjects are high or low and then come the treatment. I hope the outcome of my reserach will reject teh null hyphothesis and that'll be a worthwhile research project.
My confirmation report is coming real soon so I'm preparing for it.

PhD as some people view it. :)
In my field of Spatial Visualisation and technical engineering drawing there are quite a lot of papers spans in all fields of research. I have tried the term Spatial Visualisation but not drafting, or engineering graphics. The theme are quite similar and many reserach found no statistical significance between hypothesis null and hyphothesis alternative. It usually start with a spatial visualisation test to see if the subjects are high or low and then come the treatment. I hope the outcome of my reserach will reject teh null hyphothesis and that'll be a worthwhile research project.
My confirmation report is coming real soon so I'm preparing for it.
PhD as some people view it. :)