Maximize time used eficiently. I’ve to do HAVA and less LAVA
I’ve to do 5S. Do maximize time with HAVA and LAVA. HAVA means High Value Added Activities while LAVA means High Value Added Activities.
Yesterday wifey shows she manage time using outlook calendar. Pretty neat. I’ll use taht to maximize time used.
I’ve cherry berry this morning (diarrhea) citit birit is the term use in Malaysia. I make it nicer by calling it cherry berry. So I went to klinik UTeM and so many pople there doing medical checkup for SUKUM 2018. I’ve done it last week and it’s done. yeahh. So I’ll just drink teh o pekat, since I can’t just wait there wasting time.
Today I’m thinking of doing info products, make a lot of it, do books and attach an info product with it. I’ve learn it before and didn’t focus to finish it. So I should get back to it since I have roughly 2 months before the next semester started. I should create one, sell it and during the upcoming semester just do marketing to get sales, and improvise the products along the way.
I’m in the JK Keusahawanan peringkat university, so I should have a product and system to sell it anyway.