The awesome Bugatti Veyron.
I am watching this super duper super car Bugatti Veyron here. I got the link from this top documentary film website, Really cool. More than 400km/h in 2.5 seconds and 2.2 seconds to make it stop to a complete stop. Wow wow wow.
On the other side Proton created a working electric vehicle already and sent it to JPM for trying it out. Read details here. When can we buy it? I hope it can get >20 km/l as Honda Insights or Toyota Prius. But I saw a charging station needed. I would prefer the EV like Honda Insights or Toyota Prius, with petrol and battery. There’s no need for a charging battery station. Did Proton make a wrong move? What if there’s no more juice in the car and there’s no charging station around?
Anyway, enough for today. Later…