When it’s hot, you can’t do nothing… shoot..

It’s 32 deg C and  my house feels like 40. I’ve done some workout today. Nana went to see her new potential supervisor for her plan to do a split program. Her boss is a jackass and keep giving her a hard time.

My PhD meeting meeting last Fri went quite well. I manage to squeeze last great effort to cover up for my long, unproductive holiday. Well it was for many reasons that it was unproductive. The heat of summer, The lousy office air conditioner which broke down most of the time. I’ve got a lot of things to be done but it looks manageable thank god.

I’m going to watch the biggest loser today. They are doing long strenuous exercise session. Shannan (the personal trainer) said it was like 3 hours a day, for 6 days a week. Massive massive weight loss. Damn…I’m pressed for time. I find 30 minutes a day quite tough to do. And of course the injury and the laziness. It’s all working hard against you.

Betul kata pepatah melayu kalau tak pecahkan ruyung mana dapat sagunya. I’ve never seen a sagu or its ruyung but I think it’s damn hard to break that’s why the pepatah put it’s name. Perhaps much much difficult to open that a coconut ehh.. haha

ok talk later…


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