Exercise & losing weight.

I have start an exercise program for myself. After being teased by my own kids about my ever growing belly, I finally thinking of my younger days and once in my undergrad years where I have not being overweight. I cycled to uni everyday. I played badminton, and ping pong and walk across campus for classes. Other than that I’ve been overweight all my life.

Since this is new year, I’m thinking what about a nice new year resolution. So i would like to lose weight. Be under 100kg and feel good. Eventual goal is to have a 6 pack abs. And that’s not impossible. Look at all those successful weight-losing-people at “The Biggest Loser”. the one who was ejected in the first week also lose about 20-30kg. good stuff.

I follow http://au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/prevention/fitness/article/-/6568128/take-our-workouts-with-you/ at the walk off weight as I’m way more than 13.5 kg overweight. It’s at http://au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/prevention/fitness/article/-/6449908/shape-up-fast/

And I think I’m making progress. My highly unreliable weight scale (u know the flip flop one) give some indication of weight loss. I will continue my exercise and eating right until I achieved my goal of healthy and not being overweight. :)


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