Tools for Collaboration and Networking: Wikis, Blogs and Social Bookmarking
It talks about web 2.0.
I know pretty much all of it. But there's one good thing. There;s a unimelb toolbar that can link directly to papers.
So no need to pay for papers on the journals already subscribed by Unimelb. I'll find it after this.
There are netvibes. But I'm sticking with igoogle.
There's wiki, blogs and folksomania. I like em all and i use em all.
My typing on this particular keyboard sucks. Need to re-learn stamin atyping on this keyboard.
I'm exporting all my bookmark in unimelb to delicious again. Will have to do that at home compuetrs too. My acer and dell laptop.
I see as something really good, but fail to follow along and use it persistently.
I really have problems with persistency sometimes. Need to fix that.