Updates Time Management, Social events, Sports & PhD.
Time Management Issues. I have this ebook Time management on crack and I've read it before. The little snippet of notes from famous authors is really catchy and relevant to the topics presented. I hope to implement it after this. Activity at KgVicNorth. Well there's badminton Friday Afternoon, followed by ping pong on the night. As always we have Saturday night learning Quran reciting session. And this coming Sunday we have a pot luck BBQ thingy. It's a busy week socially related not work related. Ping pong. Nabil is improving fast. I'm 50-50 with Amir. I need to find out how to return serve better. Maybe the new "court" impacts my performance. Maybe I change bat when playing with nana cause me to not able to play properly. But I did win the last time around. Need to improve. Like the movie: Meet the Robinsons" Keep Moving Forward. OK Zul, yeaa u can do it. :) Update: I've improved after correcting my stand and be aware of the ball location. Quite nic...