Taxonomy Bloom incomplete?
Wow, interesting title right?
I went to a critical thinking class and the lecturer, Jenny said for a PhD student Taxonomy Bloom could actually be 6 + 1. She was surprised that I, as a Mech Eng PhD candidate would know about Taxonomy Bloom, a very famous taxonomy in Education area. But I told her, I teach my students and I have to know those thing.
The actual taxonomy bloom 6 major categories can be found here.
I could agree with here as the 1 extra is the innovative, outside-the-boundary, beyond our current boundary of knowledge.
So it's Taxonomy Bloom + 1. Can I call it then the Zulkef et al Taxonomy? hehehe.
To educate properly is very important. I remember one NC from UTM said that Engineering lecturer need not know too much about the eay to teach. The students in Institute Intitute of Higher Learning(IHL) should know how to learn.
But I would say, he's wrong because the way you learn in high school in Malaysia is very much different than the way you learn in university. Till later.

I went to a critical thinking class and the lecturer, Jenny said for a PhD student Taxonomy Bloom could actually be 6 + 1. She was surprised that I, as a Mech Eng PhD candidate would know about Taxonomy Bloom, a very famous taxonomy in Education area. But I told her, I teach my students and I have to know those thing.
The actual taxonomy bloom 6 major categories can be found here.
I could agree with here as the 1 extra is the innovative, outside-the-boundary, beyond our current boundary of knowledge.
So it's Taxonomy Bloom + 1. Can I call it then the Zulkef et al Taxonomy? hehehe.
To educate properly is very important. I remember one NC from UTM said that Engineering lecturer need not know too much about the eay to teach. The students in Institute Intitute of Higher Learning(IHL) should know how to learn.
But I would say, he's wrong because the way you learn in high school in Malaysia is very much different than the way you learn in university. Till later.