Companies encouraged to tap into women workforce - Yahoo! Singapore News

Companies encouraged to tap into women workforce - Yahoo! Singapore News

There's a report before that There are a lot more women than men in Malaysian Universities. I think this trend if it continues will generate a lot of capable women workforce. This is very different from the 80's where women just get high school cert to join the electronic factories and they were called 'minah karen' which means electric lady.

As the report said, companies in Malaysia also need to implementing flexible work arrangement to accommodate a big pool of highly talented women who have to take care of their children. This way the productivity will increase and we're going to have a win-win situation.

Why do i say win-win situation? It's because beside getting the input from women and be prosperous for companies, the family unit will also be maintained. There will be no abandoned kids due to busy professional mommy.

I believe the women in Afghanistan should also be given the education and Afghanistan can also achieve better living due to a doubling effect of women productivity.


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