Managing Failed Ideas
PDMA Visions
I'm intrigued by this article about failed ideas. It said we need 25 ideas to come up with a polished perfected ones. However those 24 other rejected ideas should be stored in a "Recycle Bin" so that we can check back on them, maybe perfected them for a different audiences.
These are the criteria for the Recycle Bin.
I'm intrigued by this article about failed ideas. It said we need 25 ideas to come up with a polished perfected ones. However those 24 other rejected ideas should be stored in a "Recycle Bin" so that we can check back on them, maybe perfected them for a different audiences.
These are the criteria for the Recycle Bin.
Recycle Bin Information
The author urges companies to keep the following information
about each idea in its recycle bin:
- His or her understanding of the idea.
- Reasons/assumptions for which it was not considered.
- Circumstances under which it could have been considered.
- Relevance to the current project plan (1-10 rating).
- Would it be applicable to a different product?
- Did we overemphasize the core competency aspect?
- Whether or not the preliminary marketing survey was relevant
to the said idea.
- Whether enough market behavior information was available.
- Whether or not it was a well-quantified finance issue.
- A gut feeling that “it would be too expensive to pursue the
said idea.”
- Did the team see no connection between the company’s strategic
plan and the said idea?