Fasting times around the Globe!

I am breaking my fast with…teng teng teng teng trengggg…u guessed it right a lot of stuff. I’ve been doing that since the 1st and 2nd day because I was at my parent’s place & there are just too much food. I try to minimize today but maybe, the hunger pangs just kept me carried away. At the end, I bought 2 burgers, rice + chicken + tempe(fried soy) + a loaf of bread. I ate half my rice & a burger and I’m full. Maybe the other burger can go with a nice French toast during Sahur. Sahur is sort-off breakfast in the morning except you do it much earlier. In Malaysia u fast from 5:30am to 7:10pm almost 14 hours. When I was in Canada, I was lucky to have fasted during the winter time. The fasting time was quite short, from maybe 8am to 4pm, just about 8 hours. My friends at that moment in Australia were having hard times as they fast from 3am to 9pm, that’s 18 hours, due to summer. What about those never ending sun in Norway, people might have to fast all day. Anyway fasting is done from subuh to maghrib, the solat time.


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