Delay in Govt Hospital

A'kum & good day all,

I went to a Govt Tooth Clinic today. I wait for 2 hrs even though the std time for receiving treatment is 1 hr( written on the board as their Piagam Pelanggan).

Unsatisfied, I asked the clerk at the counter. I was treated nicely & she explained abt the delay. I understood, & can accept it. There are many students registering to University which need to do compulsory x-ray & tooth check up.

Furthermore the new doctor alone is on board today. The senior doctor is away for training & he was fast. The new doctor is more deliberate in doing her job & being extremely cautios to avoid any problem. As anything in life, it gets better with time & experiences.

Then the checkup. It was fast 2 minutes max. I was told to come back abt 1 mth later. This is due to teh backlog in the number of waiting patients. If I went to a private clinic my tooth will be drill right away. But 1 Month?

I see now that I have to take care for myself, be real strong in terms of teeth & overall health. I am a govt officer, so I get free treatement from govt Hospital, 1st class & 1 person in a room. However looking at the delay, I must be real tough to handle pain.

I will reduce cholestrol intake, quit smoking, dring milk 4 glasses a day( anlene active) & play badminton with Amin every evening for 1/2 hr.

Thanks & best rgds


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