
Showing posts from December, 2011

More pics on 18/10/2011 & 19/10/11

During class for 2D only group. There’s a babi hutan near the cafe and studnets got excited when they saw it.   On 19/10/11

More pics on 13/10/2011

2D + 3D class

Continues with Pics from the PhD Experiment

  Pictures when I did my testing of Reading Interpreting Engineering Drawings (RIED) Control Group for my PhD experiment.

Strong Discussion of Findings

OT gave another gem about Discussion of Findings, which is the state I’m at right now. He’s sharing great info and tips. I learn about correlation (r), and correlation coefficient (r^2), ANOVA. I wrote to my supvs, Later I can do stat analysis to check the correlation (r) and correlation coefficient (r^2) between Spatial Experience Survey (SES) and Mental Cutting Test (MCT), and Reading Interpreting Engineering Drawing (RIED). This could indicates whether the variance of SES can be explained by the variance in MCT, and RIED. But however big the value of r and r^2 only refers to the relationship of variances of these variables (SES, MCT, RIED) not the cause and effect (one variable affects the other variable). So time to relearn the statistics so that I can show the result of my experiment and then do a nice Discussion of Findings. I did my descriptive statistics just using MS Excel. MS Exce...

Mencari Research Gap!

Ini antara isu yang paling utama dalam membuat PhD. Ada di bincangkan dengan meluas dalam Doctorate Support Group in FB. Di huraikan dengan santai dan ala2 bercakap dgn seseorang oleh OT. I enjoyed it, hope you are too. Part1: Part 2:

Good guide on Research Framework By OT

Image There are three different examples for Research Frameworks. The five columns for any particular Research Framework is Persoalan Kajian/Hypothesis (Hypothesis) Strategi (Strategy) Instrumen Instrument) Variable & Skala (Variables & Scales) Teknik Analisis (Analysis Technique) An example below Could be useful for my repairing my own Research Framework.

Try masuk gambar sikit. Dari hard disk laptop ku.

Pictures when I did my teaching of modules to 2D only Group for my PhD experiment.       Pictures when I did my teaching of modules to 2D+3D Group for my PhD experiment.         Pictures when I did my teaching of modules to 2D Group, modules #2 for my PhD experiment. I’ll upload more pics later…All these pics were taken earlier during the module teaching phase of the PhD Experiment. Zul 9/12/2011

Aku punya supv–ada ke dia kata statistik tu nanti2 la fikir. Denggg!!!

Aku nak buat dah awal2 dulu, tapi supv aku 2 orang drp top uni tu, kata tak perlu la statistik, nanti2 la.. Depa duk pulun perbetul kan material untuk experiement je. Lama gilos aku buat material experiemnt tu dekat 3 tahun. Anyway sekarang dah dapat data, baru aku nak terkial2 nak kasi statistik nya. Cess… Anyway aku kena baca balik ni dan mantapkan analisa aku, sambil menulis LR dan overall thesis. Ni post Dr OT yang berkaitan, lebih kurang la citer pasal research framework and statistik nya.

Aku pelajar cemerlang agaknya…tu yang lambat siap PhD hehehe.

  Aku baca blog post Dr OT yang pernah aku pergi bengkelnya Document  Map. Ni dia So mungkin aku ni bekas pelajar cemerlang kut. Tapi bak dia kata ‘bekas’ la…so nak kena paradigm shift ni utk kasi siap hantor dan settle kan la benda alah PhD ni yeahhhh..