
Showing posts from March, 2006


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Aku dah beli ACER laptop and handphone baru. Yang ACER tu Dual Core abt RM3600, 12 kali bayar. Zero interest installment free. Aku kena pastikan dapat untung byk tu buat int biz ke apa ke..untuk cover expenses tu. HAndphone baru jenis ASUS, function banyak tapi murah. kena rm660. ok tu dulu

12 Tips to save petrol

>12 Tips to save petrol > >---------- >1) Pump up your tires Keeping your tires inflated is one of the easiest >and most important things Saving petrol means saving money one can do to >improve fuel economy. If a range is recommended by the manufacturer, the >higher pressure should be used to maximize fuel efficiency. Deflated tires >run hot and jeopardize safety. It will also cause the tires to wear out >prematurely, affect the vehicles adversely, and hurt the fuel economy by >increasing the rolling resistance. Tires lose about 1 psi pressure per >month due to air loss caused by the tire hitting holes, bumps and curbs. >Therefore, the tires should be checked at least once a month. Just 1 tire >deflated by 2 psi will result in a 1% increase in fuel consumption. > >2) Drive at moderate speed Avoiding high speeds on open roads results in >safer driving and better fuel economy. In highway driving, over 50% of the >power produced by the en... - Rice shows off her fitness regimen - Mar 2, 2006 - Rice shows off her fitness regimen - Mar 2, 2006 Kalau Rice yang gila sibuk boleh exercise, aku pun mesti exercise. Everyday!